Kian Navaee
Kian Navaee has completed his M. Sc. in organic chemistry at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) in Iran. He is head of R&D department of Shahre Daru Pharmaceutical Co. since 2005 (Iran). He is full member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) since January 2001.
Kian Navaee is invited speaker & organizer scientific and committee member in several international conferences.
He is an associate editor or editorial board member of several international scientific journals.
He has published scientific papers with more than 300 citations in international journals to present.
Research interest:
His major research interests are focused on the formulation, analytical method development, In-vitro Studies & pilot/commercial scale-up of pharmaceutical dosage forms.
So, his research interests include heterocyclic chemistry, focused mainly on the development of new synthetic methodologies for bench scale synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).