May known that every gene-expressions are based on environmental properties for both in plants and animals and this can be measured digitally. There may be multiple environmental parameters controlling the phenology of tallness and dwarfness, both either in plants and animals, however the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) may be the principal environmental component controlling these mentioned phenotypic traits. Found that the CEC has negatively correlated with tallness character of both in plants and animals and have linearity in relations. As instances found in fisheries, the species Eel that may attain a length around 30 cm. On maturity when the CEC value is around 200 meq, the same species can attain length almost double say 60 cm when the environmentally CEC value persists around 20 meq. Plant kingdom, instances found that usually plants are taller in dry-climates, whereas, same cosmopolite plants are dwarf in moist climate, owing to persisting electrolytic phenomenon. Evidence shows that Cynodondactylon may get stem elongation around 50 cm annually when the CEC value may persists around 15 meq where as same species can attains mere 20 cm when the CEC value persists around 200 meq. May concluded that the same phenomenon happening in variable environments having with different CECs in a very long or short runs, in every anthropological studies in higher-animals following the similar digital traits and kind behaves of gene-expressions for either tallness and dwarfness.
Key words: Phenotypic care of the Nature, Digital rules of Tallness and Dwarfness, Environmental gene expressions, Computer and electronics in mankind