
Hygienic Quality and nutrient characterization of three fruits juices sold in Lome Schools

International Journal of Innovations in Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 5, 2014, 1-6

Soncy, K., Anani, K., Adjrah, Y., Djeri, B., Eklu M.M., Karou, D. S., Ameyapoh, Y and de Souza, C.
Laboratoire de Microbiologie et de Contrôle de qualité des Denrées Alimentaires (LAMICODA) Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Biologiques et Alimentaires (ESTBA), Université de Lomé, BP 1515, Lomé, Togo


Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality and physico-chemical parameters of fruit juices served to the students in several schools in Lomé town, following standard procedures.

Results: All of juices analyzed were contaminated by total aerobic count. 79.31% of lemon juices samples were infected by total coliforms, 41.38% by fecal coliforms and 31.03% by E. coli. The same bacteria had contaminated respectively 73.53%, 26.7% and 26.47% of orange juices samples and 48.48%, 11.76% and 11.76% of Bissap juices samples. Yeast contaminated 82.76%, 85.29% and 78.78% of samples of Lemon, Orange and Bissap juices respectively. Sulfite-reducing clostridium and molds were found in samples of juices. Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus were not found in all of juices samples analyzed. The pH average was 3.56 for orange juice, 3.51 for bissap juice and 2,81 for lemon juice. Soluble Solid content (SSC) in juices was 7, 8, 11, 16 and 9.8 respectively in Orange, Bissap and Lemon juices.
Conclusion: All of juices samples analyzed were contaminated by several microorganisms. Whatever fruits juice contains minerals and vitamins components which can contribut to its nutritional qualities.

Key words: Hygienic quality, Fruits juices, pH, %Brix


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